Tips For Improving your Health, and Controlling The Biggest Issues Facing Men’s Health Today.
On top of Father’s Day, June is also National Men’s Health Month! We more than likely all have men in our lives that are important and significant to us in some way, and according to statistics, they may not be taking the best care of themselves. Women are 33% more likely to go to the doctor than men when they feel a physical ailment- but what is about men that keep them from booking that appointment? Men die, on average, five years before women and die from the top ten leading causes of death at a much higher rate.
Almost all top ten causes of death can be prevented or treated if found early. Getting preventative care and visiting a physician regularly is the key to these discoveries. Discovering that you have high blood pressure in your 30s with a routine visit can help target the early signs of heart disease, and preventative treatments can begin before they become deadly. But why don’t men go to the doctor at the same rate as women?
The Men’s Health Network places blame on society in general, which expects boys to be tough and ignore pain. Ignoring those warning signs in your youth can lead to more prominent and more severe problems as you age. Below are some of the biggest issues facing men’s health today and ways you can be proactive in protecting your health.

1. Heart Disease
Heart disease affects both men and women, but twice as many men die from the conditions and ailments that accompany it. Though age, race, and family history are not controllable, a healthy lifestyle can make a huge difference in your chances of developing the disease. Avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying active are all helpful in treating and preventing heart disease, no matter the stage.
2. Stroke
The causes of stroke mirror the causes of heart disease in many ways. Avoiding large amounts of red meat, developing a workout routine, and staying away from those pesky cigarettes all help prevent hypertension. Another tip to improve your chances of avoiding a stroke- limit your alcohol intake.
3. Suicide and Depression
Depression in men will often go undiagnosed because they are less likely to openly show sadness. Men’s depression tends to show itself in other forms like anger, work “burnout”, risk-taking behavior, and alcohol and substance abuse. One of the best ways to reduce suicide is by recognizing that society’s model of masculinity can work against men. The idea that men should “ignore the pain and be tough” is a very damaging but popular mentality. Seek help through your family, friends, and trained professionals, actively participate in self-care, connect with your emotions, and give yourself a break from time to time.
4. Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer causes more deaths than prostate, colon, and breast cancer combined. Tobacco products are responsible for 90% of lung cancer, so cutting out those cigarettes is a must. Also, try to stay away from secondhand smoke and exposure to radon and asbestos. As soon as you quit, your chances of getting cancer from smoking begin to shrink, and you can prevent further damage to your lungs!
5. Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer found in men, but there is still little known about its causes and how to prevent it. This is where regular trips to the doctor and preventative screenings come in handy. Since prostate cancer can show no symptoms, screenings must begin at age 50 or even earlier if you have a family history. Eating plenty of veggies and fruits, as well as staying away from a high-fat diet may also decrease your chances of prostate cancer.