VIDA and the National Academy of Sports Medicine are teaming up to provide scholarships and mentoring aspiring black residents who want to become certified personal trainers. Sign up or send to someone you love.
SKY Introduction to Breathwork and Meditation
Free introduction to breathwork and meditation every Tuesday. Sign up today and begin to find your ZEN.
Healing Conversations for Allies
A restorative safe space for courageous discussion, reflection and self-care tools to support action in dismantling racism.
Healing Conversations for the Black Community
A restorative and connecting space for the Black Community with self-care tools to release stress & trauma.
Coping with COVID-19
Reducing stress and anxiety with AETNA’s resource toolkit.
A Guided Relaxation to Settle & Sharpen the Mind
Recharge with this simple guided reset led by a certified SKY Breath Meditation Instructor.
Coping with Civil Unrest
Personally confronting the effects of racism with AETNA’s coping resources.
Suicide Prevention Guidelines
It’s uncomfortable to think about, but you need to know the signs.
Get this Child out of My House
Safe, physically distanced recreation programming from DPR